Welcome to this comprehensive guide on managing files using Ansible modules. Here, you’ll discover how to efficiently copy, edit, insert, download, and replace files with Ansible.
What Will We Cover?
- Copying files using ‘copy’ and ‘template’ modules
- Downloading files using the ‘fetch’ module
- Editing files using ‘blockinfile’, ‘lineinfile’, and ‘replace’ modules
- Managing file attributes
Copying Files with Ansible
Ansible offers modules to facilitate the copying of files from a local directory to remote target machines using the ‘copy’ and ‘template’ modules.
The ‘copy’ module is ideal for file transfer from the ‘files’ directory, whereas the ‘template’ module works with Jinja2 templates from the ‘templates’ directory, perfect for reusable configurations.
1. Copy File from Local to Remote Target Machine
Copy the ‘sources.list’ configuration from the local ‘files’ directory to the remote machine’s ‘/etc/apt/sources.list’. The existing file will be replaced and a backup will be created with a timestamp.
- name: Copy from Local to Remote Target Machine with 'copy' copy: src: sources.list dest: /etc/apt/sources.list backup: yes
2. Copy File on Remote Machine to Another Directory
Transfer the sudoers configuration ‘/etc/sudoers.d/hakase’ from one directory on the remote machine to ‘/home/hakase/hakase-sudoers.txt’. Utilize the ‘remote_src’ option to achieve this.
- name: Copy file from one directory to another on the Remote Machine copy: src: /etc/sudoers.d/hakase dest: /home/hakase/hakase-sudoers.txt remote_src: yes
3. Copy File and Modify Permissions and Ownership
Transfer the bash file from the ‘files’ directory to the remote machine and set the default file permission to ‘0755’ with ‘hakase’ as the owner.
- name: Copy file and set up the permission and owner of the file copy: src: simple.sh dest: /home/hakase/simple.sh owner: hakase group: hakase mode: 0755
4. Copy File with Template Module
Transfer the Jinja2 template for an Nginx virtual host from the ‘templates’ directory to ‘/etc/sites-enabled/’ on the remote machine. Use variables within Jinja2 templates for enhanced reusability.
- name: Copy file using 'template' module template: src: default.j2 dest: /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ backup: yes owner: root group: root mode: 0644
Downloading Files Using the Fetch Module
The ‘fetch’ module enables downloading files from a remote machine to the local Ansible node.
1. Download from Remote to Local
Backup the nginx configuration file ‘nginx.conf’ by transferring it from the remote server to the local directory ‘/home/hakase/backup’. The ‘fetch’ module maintains directory structures by default.
- name: Download file from Remote Machine to Local ansible-node directory become: yes fetch: src: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf dest: /home/hakase/backup/
2. Download Without Directory Structures
To download without directory structures, add the ‘flat’ option.
- name: Download file from Remote Machine to Local ansible node without directory structures become: yes fetch: src: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf dest: /home/hakase/backup/ flat: yes
Editing Files with Ansible
Ansible offers several modules for editing files, such as ‘blockinfile’, ‘lineinfile’, and ‘replace’. These modules allow you to modify files by inserting, deleting, or replacing lines and blocks.
1. Insert Multiple Lines Using ‘blockinfile’
Add multiple configuration lines to ‘sshd_config’ with the ‘blockinfile’ module. The new configuration is inserted at the bottom by default.
- name: Insert multiple lines and Backup blockinfile: path: /etc/ssh/sshd_config backup: yes block: | ClientAliveInterval 360 ClientAliveCountMax 0
2. Insert with Marker Options
To insert lines at a specific position, use the ‘marker’ option with ‘insertafter’ or ‘insertbefore’.
- name: Insert after regex, backup, and validate blockinfile: path: /etc/ssh/sshd_config backup: yes marker: "# {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK " insertbefore: '^UsePAM ' block: | AllowUsers hakase vagrant PermitEmptyPasswords no PermitRootLogin no validate: '/usr/sbin/sshd -T -f %s'
3. Delete/Remove Block with Markers
Eliminate a block of text surrounded by the Ansible marker ‘# BEGIN ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK’.
- name: Remove text block surrounded by markers blockinfile: path: /etc/ssh/sshd_config marker: "# {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK" content: "" backup: yes
4. Insert a New Line
Insert ‘PasswordAuthentication no’ under the specified regex ‘#PermitEmptyPasswords’ in ‘/etc/ssh/sshd_config’.
- name: Insert New Line under the Regex configuration lineinfile: path: /etc/ssh/sshd_config backup: yes regexp: '^PasswordAuthentication ' insertafter: '^#PermitEmptyPasswords ' line: 'PasswordAuthentication no' validate: '/usr/sbin/sshd -T -f %s'
5. Remove a Line with ‘lineinfile’
Use ‘state: absent’ to delete a line that matches a specified regex from the file.
- name: Remove a line from the file lineinfile: path: /etc/ssh/sshd_config state: absent regexp: '^PasswordAuthentication'
6. Replace Pattern Strings
Utilize the ‘replace’ module to alter strings using regex. For instance, change the host name in ‘/etc/hosts’.
- name: Replace the default replace: path: /etc/hosts regexp: '(\s+)node\.provision\.labs(\s+.*)?$' replace: '\1box.hakase.labs\2' backup: yes
7. Uncomment Configurations
The ‘replace’ module can also uncomment configurations by removing ‘#’ at the beginning of a line.
- name: Uncomment configuration replace: path: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf regexp: '#(\s+)server_tokens' replace: 'server_tokens' backup: yes
8. Comment a Configuration Line
Comment a configuration line by adding ‘#’ at the beginning of the line.
- name: Comment Line configuration replace: path: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf regexp: '(\s+)gzip on' replace: '\n\t#gzip on' backup: yes
Managing File Attributes with Ansible
Ansible’s file module can modify file attributes, such as changing the owner, group, and permissions, as well as creating symlinks, directories, and deleting entities.
1. Create a Symlink
Create a symlink for Nginx virtual host configuration ‘vhost’ to ‘/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/’.
- name: Create Symlink of file file: src: /etc/nginx/sites-available/vhost dest: /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/vhost owner: root group: root state: link
2. Create a New Directory
Create a directory using the file module by setting ‘state’ to ‘directory’.
- name: Create a New Directory using file file: path: /etc/nginx/ssl state: directory owner: root group: root mode: 0755
For more information, visit the Ansible documentation.
What is the primary purpose of the ‘copy’ module in Ansible?
The ‘copy’ module is used to transfer files directly from the local ‘files’ directory to remote machines.
How does the ‘template’ module differ from ‘copy’?
The ‘template’ module deploys Jinja2 templates and is particularly helpful for generating dynamic, reusable configurations.
What can the ‘fetch’ module do?
The ‘fetch’ module downloads files from remote machines to the local node, preserving directory structures by default, unless the ‘flat’ option is used.
How does ‘lineinfile’ differ from ‘blockinfile’?
‘lineinfile’ manages individual lines, whereas ‘blockinfile’ handles multiple line blocks in a file.
Can I modify file permissions with Ansible?
Yes, the ‘file’ module can change permissions, ownership, create directories, symlinks, and manage other file attributes.