Docker CE Installation on Alma Linux 9

Docker is open-source software that provides OS-level virtualization for developing, shipping, and running applications. In Docker, applications are delivered as standardized units called containers. Each container is isolated, including its libraries and configuration files, but can communicate through well-defined network channels.

Today, Docker is a standard in software development and DevOps, used by millions of developers worldwide to build, share, and run applications. It’s integral across the lifecycle of application development, from development through testing to production, making applications more flexible and portable. Applications can run consistently across different operating systems with ease, maintaining the same libraries and configurations.

This guide will walk you through installing Docker CE (Community Edition) on Alma Linux 9. It also covers the basics of using Docker to manage images, containers, and volumes, accessing container logs, and connecting to containers via Docker Host.


You’ll need the following:

  • An Alma Linux 9 server – In this guide, we use a server with the hostname ‘alma-linux‘ and IP address ‘‘.
  • A non-root user with sudo/root privileges.

Adding Docker CE Repository

Docker facilitates quicker developments by allowing you to create application images independently of the host machine. Docker can be installed on desktops and servers, with Docker Desktop available for desktops and Docker Engine from the official Docker repository for servers.

To set up the Docker CE repository on your Alma Linux server, start by installing the ‘dnf-utils‘ package:

sudo dnf install dnf-utils

Accept the prompt by typing ‘y’ and pressing ENTER.

install dnf utils

Next, add the Docker CE repository using this command:

sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo

To verify it’s been added successfully, use:

sudo dnf repolist

Your output should look similar to this:

adding repository

Installing Docker CE

With the repository configured, install Docker CE on your Alma Linux server:

sudo dnf install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin

Confirm when prompted by typing ‘y’ and pressing ENTER.

installing Docker

Accept the Docker repository GPG key confirmation when prompted. Input and press ENTER.

accept gpg key

After installation, start and enable the Docker service:

sudo systemctl start docker
sudo systemctl enable docker

Verify the Docker service is running with:

sudo systemctl status docker

Your output should indicate Docker is running:

start enable and verify docker

Allowing Non-root User To Run Docker Container

By default, only the root user can run Docker containers. To enable non-root users, add them to the ‘docker’ group, as shown below. This example uses the user ‘testuser‘:

sudo usermod -aG docker testuser

Re-log with your user account and run the following to execute the ‘hello-world‘ container:

su - testuser
docker run hello-world

Successful execution yields the output shown below:

running container as non root user

List running containers with:

docker ps
docker ps -a

The second command outputs all containers, including those stopped:

docker check container

Basic Usage of Docker

Docker is up and running, and you’ve configured your user to run containers. Let’s explore basic Docker usage, including managing images, containers, and volumes, and accessing container logs.

Working with Images

First, work with Docker images. Start by downloading an image and verifying available images on your machine. Visit DockerHub to find your desired image, like ‘nginx‘ with ‘alpine‘ tags.

list tags docker hub

Pull the image using:

docker pull nginx:alpine

docker pull download image

List available images with:

docker images

listing images

Working with Containers

Next, run containers from an image. Use the following command:

docker run -it -d -p 8080:80 --name web nginx:alpine

This creates a container ‘web‘ from ‘nginx:alpine‘, exposes port ‘8080‘, and runs interactively and in the background. The command output provides a ‘CONTAINER ID‘.

Verify running containers with:

docker ps

run and check container

Access the container using:


check nginx container

For external access, open port 8080 using:

sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=8080/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Then, access it via a web browser:

index.html nginx container

Container Logging

Docker logging is important for debugging. Retrieve container logs with:

docker logs web

logging container

Limit log output with:

docker logs --tail 5 web

limit logging

Managing Containers

Manage containers by starting, stopping, and removing them. Stop a container:

docker stop web

Verify its status:

docker ps
docker ps -a

stopping container

Start the container again:

docker start web
docker ps

starting container

Finally, remove the stopped container:

docker stop web
docker rm web

Verify its removal:

docker ps -a

removing container

Working with Volumes

Volumes allow local directories to attach to containers. This section demonstrates creating a container with a custom volume.

Create a project directory and file:

mkdir -p ~/project/data; cd ~/project
cat > data/index.html << EOF
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>Welcome to Docker Nginx</title>
  <h2>Hello from Nginx container</h2>

create custom index

Run a container with a custom volume:

docker run -it -d -p 8080:80 --name web -v ~/project/data:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro nginx:alpine

Verify the container is running:

docker ps

create container with volume

Access the custom page:


nginx container with custom index

Browse the page via a web browser:

custom index

Accessing Container from Host

Accessing containers can be done with ‘docker exec’, allowing you to run commands within containers:

docker exec -it web /bin/sh

Inside, check container details:


log in to container

Check IP addresses and routes:

ip a
route -n

show container ip

Access the container using its IP:


accessing nginx via local ip container


Congratulations! You’ve learned how to install Docker on Alma Linux 9, manage images and containers, utilize Docker for debugging, work with volumes, and log into containers using Docker’s exec command. This foundational knowledge will streamline your development and deployment processes.


1. What is Docker CE?

Docker CE (Community Edition) is the free, open-source version of Docker suited for individual developers, open-source projects, and small teams.

2. Why do I need to add a user to the ‘docker’ group?

Adding a user to the ‘docker’ group allows them to execute Docker commands without needing root privileges, enhancing security and flexibility.

3. How do I update Docker after installation?

You can update Docker by running sudo dnf update docker-ce. Ensure your Docker repository is up-to-date to access the latest version.

4. What are Docker volumes?

Docker volumes provide persistent storage that can be shared between containers and the host machine, enabling data preservation during container restarts.

5. How do I stop all running containers?

To stop all running containers, use the command docker stop $(docker ps -q).