Deploying Applications on Kubernetes with Helm: A Step-by-Step Guide

This article builds on the “What is Helm and how to install it on Ubuntu 20.04 server?” article. If you’re new to Helm, I recommend reading that first. Here, we’ll walk through how to release an Apache application from an existing chart, and explore the Helm commands to release, upgrade, rollback, delete, and restore a sample chart.

Essential Helm Commands

  • helm search: Search for Helm charts
  • helm repo: Manage repositories with operations like add, list, remove, update, and index
  • helm delete: Delete a release, removing all associated Kubernetes objects
  • helm status: Display the status of the release
  • helm create: Create a Helm chart
  • helm install: Install a chart with its Kubernetes objects
  • helm upgrade: Upgrade a release with modifications
  • helm history: View the release history
  • helm rollback: Revert a release to a previous version

For this guide, it is assumed that you are acquainted with the basics of Helm, have a Kubernetes cluster, and the Helm client is already installed.


  1. A Kubernetes Cluster with at least one worker node. Guide to create a Kubernetes Cluster on AWS EC2.
  2. Helm installed on your master node.


  1. Release a sample chart from a repository.
  2. Create a chart and release a sample application.
  3. Upgrade the release.
  4. Restore the release after deletion.

Release a Sample Chart from the Repository

First, verify Helm’s availability on your server:

helm version

To install an Apache chart, search for it in the Helm hub:

helm search hub apache

Search a chart on Hub

Choose a URL from the results, copy it, and paste it into your browser. Follow the on-page commands to add the repo and install the chart.

Get a URL of the Repo of the Chart

helm repo add bitnami
helm repo list
helm install my-release bitnami/apache

After successful installation, inspect the created Kubernetes objects:

kubectl get nodes
kubectl get pods
kubectl get pods -o wide
kubectl get svc

To delete the release, execute:

helm delete my-release

helm ls
helm status my-release

Delete the release

Create a Chart and Deploy a Sample Application

Create your own chart with a sample Nginx application:

helm create my-first-chart

Explore the newly created chart structure:

cd my-first-chart/
ls -l
ls -l charts/
ls -l templates/
ls -l templates/tests/

Create a Chart

Inspect Chart.yaml contents:

ls -lt
cat Chart.yaml

See Chart.yaml

Inspect values.yaml contents:

ls -lt
cat values.yaml

Deploy the application using your local chart:

kubectl get pods
helm install my-first-release my-first-chart/

Check the deployed pods and services:

kubectl get pods
kubectl get svc

Review release details:

helm ls
helm status my-first-release

Upgrade the Release

Modify the replica count in values.yaml:

cat my-first-chart/values.yaml | grep replica
vim my-first-chart/values.yaml
cat my-first-chart/values.yaml | grep replica

Upgrade your release to apply changes:

helm upgrade my-first-release my-first-chart/

Verify updated revision and running pods:

helm ls
kubectl get pods

Check release history and rollback if needed:

helm history my-first-release
helm rollback my-first-release 1
kubectl get pods

Delete the sample application if required:

helm delete my-first-release

Restore the Release After Deletion

Roll back a deleted release by keeping its history:

helm install my-second-release my-first-chart/
helm delete my-second-release --keep-history
helm rollback my-second-release 1


In this guide, we explored how to deploy an application using Helm charts, create and release our own charts, upgrade releases, and manage rollbacks with history preservation even after deleting a release.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Helm? Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes, helping to define, install, and upgrade even the most complex Kubernetes applications.
  • Do I need a Kubernetes cluster to use Helm? Yes, Helm requires a Kubernetes cluster to manage and deploy applications effectively.
  • How do I create a custom Helm chart? Use the command helm create to scaffold a new chart.
  • Can I rollback a release after deletion? Yes, use the --keep-history option when deleting a release to preserve its history and enable rollback.
  • What happens to my application when I delete a Helm release? All associated Kubernetes objects created by the release are deleted. However, if you use the --keep-history option, you can restore to the previous state.