Guided Installation: Shopware 6 with NGINX and Let’s Encrypt on CentOS 8

Shopware is a free and open-source platform designed to help you launch your own e-commerce website, powering your online business efficiently. It offers a range of tools to assist in building and customizing a fully responsive online store. Similar to Magento, Shopware is a powerful, user-friendly, and flexible application that enables easy creation and management of content and products from any device, thanks to its modern user interface.

This tutorial will guide you through the installation of Shopware with Nginx and Let’s Encrypt SSL on CentOS 8.


  • A server running CentOS 8.
  • A valid domain name pointed to your server IP.
  • A configured root password on your server.

Install LEMP Server

Shopware operates on a web server, built on PHP with Symfony and Zend components, using MySQL or MariaDB as a database backend. Install Nginx, MariaDB, PHP, and other extensions with this command:

        dnf install nginx mariadb-server php php-cli php-intl php-fpm php-common php-mysqli php-curl php-json php-zip php-gd php-xml php-mbstring php-opcache unzip -y

Start and enable Nginx, MariaDB, and PHP-FPM services to launch at system reboot with:

        systemctl start mariadb
        systemctl enable mariadb
        systemctl start nginx
        systemctl start php-fpm
        systemctl enable nginx
        systemctl enable php-fpm

Configure PHP-FPM

PHP-FPM is initially configured to run as the Apache user and group. Alter it to run as the Nginx user and group by editing /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf:

        nano /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf

Modify the following lines:

        user = nginx 
        group = nginx

Save the file and establish a session directory with appropriate ownership:

        mkdir -p /var/lib/php/session 
        chown -R nginx:nginx /var/lib/php/session

Then, update php.ini with these settings:

        nano /etc/php.ini

Change the following:

        memory_limit = 512M
        upload_max_filesize = 20M
        date.timezone = Asia/Kolkata

Restart PHP-FPM to apply changes:

        systemctl restart php-fpm

Create a Database for Shopware

To create a database and user for Shopware, connect to MariaDB:


Inside MariaDB, run the following commands:

        MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE shopware;
        MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL ON shopware.* TO 'shopware' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

Flush privileges and exit:

        MariaDB [(none)]> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
        MariaDB [(none)]> EXIT;

Download Shopware

Create a directory for Shopware within the Nginx root directory:

        mkdir /var/www/html/shopware

Download the latest Shopware version:

        wget -O

Extract the downloaded file and set appropriate permissions:

        unzip -d /var/www/html/shopware
        chown -R nginx:nginx /var/www/html/shopware
        chmod -R 775 /var/www/html/shopware

Configure Nginx for Shopware

Create an Nginx virtual host configuration for Shopware:

        nano /etc/nginx/conf.d/shopware.conf

Add this configuration:

        server {
            listen 80;
            index index.php;
            root /var/www/html/shopware/public;

            location /recovery/install {
                index index.php;
                try_files $uri /recovery/install/index.php$is_args$args;

            location /recovery/update/ {
                if (!-e $request_filename){
                    rewrite . /recovery/update/index.php last;

            location / {
                try_files $uri /index.php$is_args$args;

            location ~ \.php$ {
                fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
                include fastcgi.conf;
                fastcgi_param HTTP_PROXY "";
                fastcgi_buffers 8 16k;
                fastcgi_buffer_size 32k;
                fastcgi_read_timeout 300s;
                client_body_buffer_size 128k;
                fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php-fpm/www.sock;
                http2_push_preload on;

Save the file, check the Nginx configuration for syntax errors:

        nginx -t

To apply changes, restart Nginx:

        systemctl restart nginx

Configure SELinux and Firewall

Adjust SELinux context for Shopware:

        setsebool httpd_can_network_connect on -P
        chcon -R -u system_u -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t -r object_r /var/www/html/shopware

Allow traffic on ports 80 and 443 through the firewall:

        firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=http
        firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=https
        firewall-cmd --reload

Access Shopware Web Interface

In your web browser, navigate to and follow the installation wizard. You’ll be guided through configuring the product settings, database, and user account.

Shopware Terms

Secure Shopware With Let’s Encrypt SSL

For enhanced security, install the Certbot utility to obtain and install a Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate:

        mv certbot-auto /usr/local/bin/certbot-auto
        chown root /usr/local/bin/certbot-auto
        chmod 0755 /usr/local/bin/certbot-auto

Acquire an SSL certificate for your Shopware domain:

        certbot-auto --nginx -d


Congratulations! You have successfully installed and configured Shopware with Nginx and Let’s Encrypt SSL on CentOS 8. You can now host your online store with Shopware confidently. Should you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are the system requirements for installing Shopware?

Shopware requires a server running CentOS 8, a valid domain name, and configured root access. It also relies on a LEMP stack for operation.

How do I change the domain name for my Shopware installation?

To alter the domain name, update the server_name directive in your Nginx configuration file and adjust any necessary DNS records to point to your server’s IP address.

Is it possible to install Shopware on a cloud server?

Yes, Shopware can be installed on cloud-based servers like AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure, as long as they meet the system requirements.

How often should I renew my Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate?

Let’s Encrypt certificates are valid for 90 days. It’s recommended to renew them regularly; Certbot can automate this renewal process.

Can I customize the Shopware interface?

Yes, Shopware offers extensive customization options through plugins and theme settings, which you can manage in the Shopware backend.